Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Holding: Select Mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different clocks, orreries, and sun-dials, on plain and easy principles. With several Miscellaneous articles; and new tables, I. For expediously computing the Time of any New or Full Moon within the Limits of 6000 Years before and after the 18th Century. II. For graduating and examining the usual Lines on the Sector, Plain Scale, and Gunter. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. To which is prefixed, A short Account of the Life of the Author. By James Ferguson, F.R.S.

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

Select Mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different clocks, orreries, and sun-dials, on plain and easy principles. With several Miscellaneous articles; and new tables, I. For expediously computing the Time of any New or Full Moon within the Limits of 6000 Years before and after the 18th Century. II. For graduating and examining the usual Lines on the Sector, Plain Scale, and Gunter. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. To which is prefixed, A short Account of the Life of the Author. By James Ferguson, F.R.S.


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You have selected the year 1789


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Record ID 297166

Library: St Andrews University Library. Register: Library Receipt Book 1788-1791. (UYLY207-9) (1788-1791, Type: Student). Page: 13

Ferg usons  Exercises

Borrowed: 1789/2/23 (Monday). Returned: 1789/2/23 (Monday). Classmark: A7:13. Original Returned Text: Fergusons Exercises.


Daniel Dewar
Gender: Male.
St Andrews Biographical Register, 1747-1897:
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Student.

Book HoldingLibrary record

James Ferguson (Male, born 1710, died 1776)
Genre: Natural Philosophy
Select Mechanical Exercises: Shewing how to construct different clocks, orreries, and sun-dials, on plain and easy principles. With several Miscellaneous articles; and new tables, I. For expediously computing the Time of any New or Full Moon within the Limits of 6000 Years before and after the 18th Century. II. For graduating and examining the usual Lines on the Sector, Plain Scale, and Gunter. Illustrated with Copper-Plates. To which is prefixed, A short Account of the Life of the Author. By James Ferguson, F.R.S.
Classmark: A.7.13.